Schoolyards are buzzing with activity – from lunchtime laughter to messy art projects outdoors. But keeping those picnic tables & benches looking their best can be a constant battle for busy groundskeepers. Between endless supervision duties, unpredictable weather, and the occasional rogue juice box, maintaining a functional and inviting outdoor space with plenty of picnic tables & benches requires some serious resourcefulness.

One key area where you can significantly reduce the maintenance burden on your picnic tables & benches is by choosing the right outdoor furniture.

Recycled plastic picnic tables and benches!

These aren’t your average wooden counterparts. They’re built to withstand the daily grind of a schoolyard, all while saving you time and keeping your budget happy.

Here’s why recycled plastic picnic tables and benches are the ultimate teammate for busy groundskeepers:

Built To Last

Low Maintenance

Forget about the headaches of rotting wood, warping boards, and pesky insects. Recycled plastic picnic tables and benches are immune to these common woes. They can handle the bumps and bruises of an active school environment, minimising the need for replacements and keeping your picnic tables and benches in top shape.

Say goodbye to the endless cycle of sanding, staining, or repainting your wooden picnic tables and benches. Recycled plastic requires minimal upkeep. A quick wipe-down with soap and water is all it takes to keep them looking fresh, freeing up your valuable time for other schoolyard priorities. No more battling endless maintenance on your precious picnic tables and benches!

Weather Proof

Rain or shine, recycled plastic picnic tables and benches are ready for anything. They’re unaffected by the elements – sun, snow, or rain – ensuring year-round usability without the worry of deterioration that plagues traditional wooden picnic tables and benches.

Safe Material In Schools

Recycled plastic picnic tables & benches are non-toxic and splinter-free, creating a safe environment for students of all ages. Unlike sometimes-splintery wooden picnic tables and benches, recycled plastic offers a worry-free seating option.


By choosing recycled plastic furniture, you’re not only making a smart financial decision but also an environmentally responsible one. These picnic tables and benches are crafted from giving plastic waste a second life, diverting it from landfills and promoting sustainability. This is a clear win compared to the environmental impact of traditional wooden picnic tables and benches.

Cost Effective & Colourful

While the initial investment might be slightly higher than traditional wooden picnic tables and benches, the long lifespan and low maintenance needs of recycled plastic tables translate to significant cost savings in the long run. With our colour options you can opt to brighten up your schoolyard with a variety of colours to create a cheerful and inviting atmosphere

Optimising your school grounds is all about making smart choices that save time, money, and resources. By incorporating recycled plastic picnic tables & benches into your outdoor furniture selection, you can create a durable, low-maintenance, and sustainable environment for students and staff to enjoy for years to come.

So, ditch the endless maintenance struggles with your wooden picnic tables & benches and embrace the ease and benefits of recycled plastic! It’s a win for the environment, your budget, and most importantly, the students who get to enjoy these vibrant outdoor spaces.

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01422 419 555

Let’s work together to create a greener, more sustainable future for our schools and communities.