Equality Policy and Procedure
1. Policy Statement
Low Carbon Products Ltd recognises that certain groups and individuals within society may be disadvantaged and discriminated against for a variety of reasons.
Low Carbon Products Ltd is committed to eliminating any inequalities that may exist in the context of both employment and service delivery.
Low Carbon Products Ltd recognises that discrimination in employment is unacceptable and believes it is in everyone’s best interests to promote fair and equal treatment. This will help to ensure that Low Carbon Products Ltd value and fully utilise the skills of their entire workforce and that the highest standards of services are provided.
Low Carbon Products Ltd also values the diversity of the people and communities they serve and are committed to ensuring that services, facilities and resources are accessible and responsive to the needs of all individuals and groups within their communities.
Low Carbon Products Ltd are therefore committed to working towards the elimination of discriminatory attitudes and practices in the working environment and in the way services are commissioned and delivered.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish Low Carbon Products Ltd’s policy on equality as it applies to: employment; service delivery, goods and service suppliers and contractors and outside agencies.
In particular, Low Carbon Products Ltd will endeavour to ensure that no individual or group receives less favourable treatment either directly or indirectly on the grounds of:
- Language
- Nationality
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and Civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- or any other personal characteristic
3. Principles
The Policy will be underpinned by four fundamental principles:
Equality : working to eliminate inequality, discrimination, disadvantage and deprivation
Equity : being fair, reasonable and just in all its functions and activities
Quality : working for the highest achievable standards in service
Partnership : giving staff real involvement in and influence over decision-making
4. Implementation
4.1 Low Carbon Products Ltd will publicise its commitment to its Equality Policy to both existing and potential members of staff, partner organisations, contractors and the wider community
4.2 Where necessary action will be taken to remove any actual or potential obstacle to ensuring that fair and equal treatment is being properly applied within Low Carbon Products Ltd.
4.3 Low Carbon Products Ltd will not tolerate discrimination by any of its staff and any acts of deliberate discrimination will be dealt with in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy.
4.4 Low Carbon Products Ltd will keep under review its policies, procedures and practices to ensure that individuals are recruited, trained, developed and promoted on the basis of job requirements and the individual’s merits and abilities for the job.
4.5 Low Carbon Products Ltd will aim to ensure that equality is mainstreamed into every aspect of policy and practice as both employer and service commissioner. A process of impact assessment will ensure that the equality implications of any new policy, procedure or practice are considered before implementation.
5. Positive Images and Language
Images and language can have a powerful influence on people’s perceptions and attitudes, Low Carbon Products Ltd is committed to ensuring that all its communications will promote images that reflect the full diversity of the local area and will use language that is appropriate for the communities involved.
6. Employment
- Recruitment and Selection
Low Carbon Products Ltd policy is to attract and recruit solely on merit candidates of the highest quality.
The selection process is of critical importance and must, therefore, be carried out according to objective, job related criteria. Low Carbon Products Ltd will endeavour to ensure that managers making selection decisions will not discriminate, whether consciously or subconsciously, in making these decisions.
- Employment Policies and Practices
All of Low Carbon Products Ltd employment policies and practices will reflect the principles of equality as set out in this policy.
- Dignity in the Workplace
Each employee is responsible for his or her own professional and personal behaviour and there is a requirement of all employees to conduct themselves in a manner that does not cause offence to another person.
- Monitoring
All employment policies will be subject to regular review and monitored through the equal opportunities monitoring process.
Review Date: 8th Dec 2020
Approved by: Sarah Courtney – Office Manager