It’s feedback time again! We always love to see how our customers’ projects have panned out, and today we got some lovely pics in from Richard Davidson, Parks & Events Operational Team Leader of Bromsgrove District & Redditch Borough Councils. Richard and his team have been beautifying Bromsgrove’s parks with recycled plastic lumber builds – bank revetments and walkways – and plan to use more to build a retaining wall in one of their parks in the new year.

A recycled plastic walkway in Bromsgrove

A recycled plastic walkway in Bromsgrove

Artificial Lumber Longevity

Richard commented

“we like using the plastic lumber as we are looking for long lasting products to reduce maintenance and refurbishments costs over the long term, plastic over wood gives that longevity.”

Regular readers will notice this is a recurring theme from our customers; local authorities in particular are really starting to see the value in a rot-proof solution.

Recycled plastic edging in Bromsgrove.

Recycled plastic edging in Bromsgrove.

If all these gorgeous pics have got you thinking about what you would make from recycled plastic lumber, you can find our complete list of profiles here – drop us a line on Freephone 0808 281 2929 or email [email protected] for a quote. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.