Not everyone understands why we get excited about turning other people’s waste plastic into new things, but whenever we need a way to illustrate it to someone, we’ll show them this guy. Helping people create wonderful things with minimal resources is at the heart of what we do, and Huw’s Nursery is definitely a wonderful thing. If you’re not already familiar with his 21st-Century-Titchmarsh approach to gardening and, more importantly, helping others to find their inner gardener, you can find his Youtube channel here.
Good works
Huw’s the very definition of a good egg, someone we’re very proud to be associated with through his use of our recycled plastic raised beds, and today we’d like to help spread the word about a brilliant project he’s helping to promote called Grow a Gift.
In the video below Huw outlines how he’s devoting an entire one of his beds to growing food that will eventually be donated to people who are alone or homeless over Christmas, as part of a growing movement of people doing the same thing. It might seem unseasonal to be thinking about Christmas in June, but growers understand very well the importance of planning ahead. The hashtag #growagift2019 is being used to connect together like-minded people to eventually produce a great stockpile of food to help those who are less fortunate make the most of the winter festivities.
Now if that’s not enough to make us proud to do what we do, in helping Huw do what he does, and helping a whole positive movement to grow, then we don’t know what is.
Here’s the video:
If any of this has got you thinking about what you would do with some recycled plastic raised beds, you can find our range here. Give us a call for a quote.