Everyone’s changing their habits lately, but it’s certainly not all for the bad. With sunshine and free time, garden work is the order of the day. Amritaj obviously agrees with us, as he sent us these pictures this week of his brand new British Recycled Plastic raised beds from delivery to assembly.

Amritaj’s panels
Easy to build
The raised bed kits are sent as preassembled panels, ready to be coach bolted together. No drilling or screwing required here, just a spanner!

Amritaj begins his build
An adjustable spanner is all it takes to connect the panels into longer walls.

Ready for assembly
His long walls ready, Amritaj prepares to fasten them at the corners.

Finished building
And that’s it! You can see the sun is still high in the sky – no long hours of building and screwing needed.

The completed bed
And we’re ready to be filled with soil and plants. And should you want to relocate them at some point in the future, no problem! In fact with a lifetime guarantee your kids, or even your children’s children, might be the ones to move them.
If Amritaj’s build has given you some ideas of what you’d do with some recycled plastic raised beds, you can find them here or give us a call on 0808 281 2929 or email info@britishrecycled plastic.co.uk