Our customer, Ben Davis, wanted his shelter to sit well in the local landscape, so he gave it a living roof with Hebden X Grids ground reinforcers. It’s a fantastic and inspiring use of our X Grids – sustainable building in action.

Here’s what he had to say:

“We built a shelter for camping and playing in and wanted it to blend in to the background, which it will do as it weathers in. A big part of that is the green roof which I have planted up with wild flowers. The whole field is being re-wilded as we keep livestock off and encourage wildlife. The roof has a lining, polyester carpet, to retain moisture and finally the BRP Hebden X Grids to retain the soil. The Hebden X Grids have been perfect for what I wanted to do with the green roof, especially as the roof is on a slope. BRP were extremely helpful. Highly recommended”.

Detail of Ben's living roof with Hebden X Grids

Thanks, Ben. It looks great and we can’t wait to see it in the spring, covered in flowers.

If you made a living roof with Hebden X Grids, what would you grow on it?

Ben's living roof with Hebden X Grids against the landscape

More about our Hebden X Grids

Hebden X Grids reinforce ground prone to potholing and slippage. Great for gateways and tracks – anywhere you have to regularly backfill with hardcore.

They improve drainage and reduce surface water. The honeycombed structure of the X Grids draws excess water down, holding it below the surface until it can be reabsorbed by the ground.

They can be filled with either gravel or topsoil (which can then be seeded with grass).

They can support a large amount of weight, including most UK roadgoing vehicles.

Hebden X Grid is a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) and does not require planning permission for domestic driveways.

Easy and fast to lay.

Delivery within 5 working days.

Download our installation guide.

Get in touch for more information, or a quote

0808 281 2929

[email protected]